Our perspective is that all people should be enabled to create change, shape the future, and improve their own and their communities’ quality of life.


Our Aspirations:

  • As Nova Scotians we better understand our opportunities, advantages, and the hurdles in front of us.

  • More Nova Scotians are stepping up to improve our quality of life and economic conditions.

  • We are more collaborative, inclusive, and adaptive to change.


Grounding Principles:

  • We create just enough structure to support our activities while staying lean, nimble, and transparent.

  • How we do things is as important as what we do.

  • We move forward in a spirit of responding to opportunities, supporting one another to take risks, and learning as we go. 

  • We operate in a collaborative, neutral, and open space with partners from the private, public, and non-profit sectors, academia and communities that no one organization or sector owns.

  • We actively seek to include diverse voices – from all cultural communities, from all parts of the province, and from as many perspectives as possible.


Justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion practices:
Towards a better Nova Scotia for all of us

To belong here is to be you.

The vision for a more vibrant, inclusive, equitable, and resilient Nova Scotia takes all of us.

We are committed to including every Nova Scotian as their whole self; across gender, race, age, ability, sexual orientation, religion, cultures, communities, identities, and perspectives.

We recognize the paradigms of prejudice, racism, colonialism, and oppression built into our society. We actively look to address ongoing harm and inequities through (un)learning and action that dismantles those paradigms and the structures that uphold and reinforce them.